This includes that every Evil thing done in the 20th Century was





then their pd "sources" to repeat as "the only truth" by all the allowed to exist mouthpieces

actually now fully accepted & regurgitated by "the people" as Gospel but 180° from actual truth or is totally silenced, ignored or vilified

absolutely the actual truth of the reality in these things is regularly bypassed by those WE know mean to tell "the whole truth"; only they do not realize they don't have "the whole truth"(refusing to l99k) & refuse to dare step out of the box they've allowed themselves into to now lift up the lid to see it for the fear of not only of having it wrong but wil be reviled as heretics as was Jesus IF they call it out publically in fullness = rather then be wrong then face the fullness of what actually was that'll truly upset the public applecart of acceptability to be reviled by those of their once same level mindset esp in all academia, history, and science

*Just my 2cents warmup...lol

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The absolute truth is so big and encompassing they cannot see it...!

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