Aww, that was so incredibly sweet of you, Doc—thank you for creating and performing this song! I love what you did with the lyrics. Indeed, my husband got inspired and started singing them as a punk song Dead Kennedys–style, so it works for that genre, too :-) I look forward to sharing this with my readers.

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thx Margaret

I could not have done this without you inspiring me through your pioneering work.

I just checked out Dead Kennedys "Dead End" and saved it for further study.

The No Mistake Blues as arranged is just a guide line. I only play minor 7ths with a slide because I'm lazy and clinically deaf. I cannot tell the difference between a 7th, 9th, or 13th, or a minor or major, or any other such chords. Since I focus on being a blues player good enough to continue, I use blues progressions that I know about. Minor 7ths are standard "dark" chords. The DGA and DAE progressions work for me; they are just suggestions. A more knowledgeable person can make this song better for more players.

I'm getting a bit pedantic here...gonna bail for now.

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